principal with five students in front of "We are Pearl Sample" wall

Dan Birch became the Principal of Pearl Sample Elementary in 2018, making this his 6th full year at the school. With this, the current 5th Graders will be the first class to have only had him as a principal for their academic career, making for a close bond between them and their Principal.

Next school year, the 5th graders will move on to middle school and have a new principal. While conversing on the matter, one student mentioned, “It is really sad to leave Pearl Sample because we've been here so long, but it's good to go on to middle school because then you have new opportunities, like new clubs. You get to pick some of the classes you take, so that would be fun.” This sentiment of excitement and sadness seemed to be mutual for both the principal and many other students. 

While talking to Mr. Birch, he discussed his motivations and how he is helping impact the school. For what drives his leadership, he said “My motivation to lead… is student success, seeing not just all of their success, but individual stories are really important to me.”

As a member of the Culpeper community, Mr. Birch is seen by his students all over town. The students enjoy seeing him at baseball games or while out shopping. Additionally, many students have found memories of Mr. Birch from their time at school. Some of these memories include their Principal’s participation in school events such as Water Day or school assemblies. Layla Edwards, one of the students interviewed, recalls a time when Mr. Birch dressed up as the school mascot, a tiger. “That was a really fun moment,” she stated upon remembering the event. More memories like this one were affirmed by students, clearly showing that they loved their time at the school.

Another event that impacted both the students and the staff of Pearl Sample was the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the 5th graders were in 1st Grade during the height of the pandemic, both the students and Mr. Birch are proud that they have caught up and are back on track. Additionally, upon returning to school, many students grew to truly appreciate being in school and the sense of community it brings, making leaving even more bitter-sweet. 

After speaking to Mr. Birch and several students, it is clear that Pearl Sample’s 5th-grade class is prepared for the next chapter in their academic story. “I always say we're not getting them ready for middle school. That's not our job because this is an elementary school. We're doing elementary school, but it's nice when they are ready to go,” said Mr. Birch when discussing how the children had grown as students. While the students mentioned they were sad to leave Mr. Birch and Pearl Sample behind, they all agreed that they felt confident about moving forward.

Story and Photos by: Emily Wootten